The art of maintaining the balance in times of change
Change and transformation are part of life, whether we like it or not. Ideally, however, even in the greatest change, we have people and things in our lives that (can) give us stability.
Although change can be challenging, it often brings with it new opportunities that we were not previously aware of or perhaps would not have imagined.
When externally initiated and unwanted changes make life difficult for us, it helps to keep in mind that only through change can something new emerge. Change is a catalyst for personal growth and can help us to recognize our true strengths.
It helps to keep venturing out of your comfort zone by doing things you don’t feel 100% ready for. If we wait until we are brave enough, we may wait forever. Courage does not mean not being afraid.
Challenging ourselves helps us to cope better when external circumstances push us out of our comfort zone. It is precisely in moments when we lack courage that often lies the greatest potential. By engaging in new experiences despite our fears, we not only learn to expand our abilities, but we also get to know ourselves better.